Yesterday I saw on Fox News that a man I've never heard of, Abdul Rahman, will be facing trial soon ... with the possibility of execution if he's found guilty of his crime. What got my attention was that the crime he's accused of is being a Christian.
Rahman was turned in to authorities by his own family members. And because Rahman refuses to "re-convert" to Islam, which is an offense punishable by death in "liberated" Afghanistan, chances are he'll be executed for his "crime." To spare his life, all Rahman has to do is to embrace Islam, and re-acknowledge Muhammed as the prophet.
How many Christians do you know who'd be willing to change places with Rahman?
There are people here in America ... and I hate to define a type ... who're pretty much Country Club Christians ... who want to be seen at the "right" church ... driving the "right" car ... wearing the "right" clothes at the "right" service ... people who're looking for a packaged worship service that best suits their hectic Sunday/social schedule. Because it's convenient.
You might know some of them from the secular world; they might be the some of the same people you're surprised, or actually shocked, to see at your church.
Casual Christians, in other words.
They're skilled at saying all the right words on Sunday, and they especially excel at the role of Playing Pious. They're quick to condemn drinking, dancing and gambling ... they might even look down their noses at that exciting "new" church in town ... and if they're Pleased With Their Pastor they might even toss something into the offerings bucket this month, but they certainly want you and everybody else to know it. Because they're worried about making the right impression.
Just look at the things we that are important to us here in the US.
Do we worry about how we'll finance that new car we've been dreaming about? Are we focused on shuffling our credit card debt so we can finance new clothes to start the new school semester? Do we pray and expect God to play the role of heavenly match-maker ... so He can shuttle us through the relationship dating maze, straight to the Perfect Mate we feel we deserve?
Or maybe we get impatient and angry at the check-out line when it comes time to pay for our food ... yet somehow we forget that there are Christians in other countries ... souls we'll see in Heaven ... who literally endure hardships beyond our comprehension... and still don't have safe drinking water and are literally facing starvation?
I've met some of them, and they're still anxious to share their faith. As well as their food.
Let's get right down to it ... if the government came to your house tonight and accused you and your family for being Christians ... knowing that you could face death ... how would you react?
Would you somehow "re-convert" to the religion you've been practicing during the week?
Jesus died a horrific death on the cross ... and too often we fail to acknowledge that at any moment during the crucifixion He could've called down fire from Heaven and scorched the Romans and His accusers from the face of the planet ... instead His love was revealed as all-powerful, and all-encompassing.
Even after the resurrection, Jesus didn't waste His time on earth seeking out the soldiers who'd flailed and taunted Him, looking to throw down and settle scores. Because the debt had been been paid ... with perfect love.
Not with easy payments. Not with Visa Platinum.
Yet ... somehow we feel justified in our anger if we another driver cuts us off in traffic ... while we're driving a $40,000 car financed with credit.
We claim to be Christ's witnesses ... but would we also be willing to be found guilty of following Him? Not just on Sundays, not just when it's convenient, and not just when we feel the need for the favor of a supernatural intervention?
Following Christ can never be a hobby. Faith is a 24x7 lifelong commitment.
Please remember to keep our brothers who're facing hardships and persecution... they're some of the souls we'll see one day ... in your prayers.