Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Best $3 You'll Spend All Week

Here's some good news, and then some even better news.

The Good News: the average price of regular gasoline across the US has reached $3 per gallon

The Better News: within the next 6 weeks, gasoline is expected to hit $5.50 per gallon

Why, you're asking, is it Better News that by June $30 will barely buy 5 gallons of gas?

Because today, April 23 2006, is the cheapest gasoline just might be for a long, long time. And no matter where you live in Anderson County and no matter what kind of car you drive, chances are you can motor on over to New Spring Church today and catch the most exciting, creative & relevant worship service available anywhere in the western hemisphere ... for less gas than the price of a gallon of milk. And let's face it, milk is for babies.

You can't even buy a Fat Boy's Value Meal for three bucks ... and New Spring is free.

There's 3 identical services today beginning at 9:15am, 11:15am, and 6pm. Check one out, and see firsthand what you've been missing. It just might be the best $3 you'll spend in all eternity.