Sunday, May 21, 2006

Going Ape On Sunday

When I was a kid I always wondered what Tarzan did on Sunday mornings.

I mean, didn't everybody go to church?

We always went to church, regardless of any other considerations. And because my family (parents, aunts, uncles and both sets of grandparents) all went to the same church every Sunday morning it was difficult for me to think outside the box and imagine what else Tarzan, living in his tree house with Jane and Cheetah, would do ... except go to church.

I assumed that when Sundays rolled around Tarzan and Jane walked (or rode elephants) to whatever church was located in the nearest village, came home for lunch and then lounged around the treehouse until bedtime on Sunday night (no one would travel on foot through the jungle at night to catch an evening service, not even Tarzan).

Guess my 7-year old brain just assumed all the action in Tarzan's life managed to take place between Monday morning and Saturday night, leaving his life action-free and "adventureless" on Sunday morning ... because no episode of Tarzan I can remember ever showed Tarzan going to church.

Meanwhile this 7-year old would spent the hour-long worship service yawning during hymns, squirming in the pews and imagining how totally awesome it'd be to ride elephants to church every week. Like, "I would love worshipping if I could ride elephants to church!"

I guess there's more than one way to ride an elephant - anyway I've found a church that gave me that kind of enthusiasm ... without racking up a big peanut bill in the process.

In a little while I'm gonna slide the car key into the ignition, grin just for a second and say to myself, "Ungawa ... New Spring!"