Have you ever imagined what it woulda been like to live 2000 years ago, and met Christ during His ministry ... in the flesh? Eye to eye with God, up close and personal.
I especially wonder what it must've been like for the disciples ... the twelve chosen to spend three years in day to day existence with Jesus. To have had that much time to know Him, and ask any questions to clear up any issues of doctrine or theology whatsoever.
What strikes me, in reading the gospel accounts, is that I can't find anyone, not even the Pharisees, taking time to ask Christ:
-Is it okay to include harp music in worship?
-Is it lawful to clap in synagogue?
-When will organs and stained glass windows be invented ... and where should we meet until then?
-What's the absolutely right number to form a church Finance and Steering Committee?
-Does "tithe" mean net, or gross?
-How do we make grape juice?
-Exactly how much are you earning, and why didn't we get to vote on it first?
-When you come back to earth, the first thing you'll do is tell everybody else that our faction was right, won't you?
-What's a Disney World?