Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who'll be Number One in November?

War in Iraq, war in Aghanistan, the nuclear threat from Iran, the financial market bail-out (today it's a "rescue"), the health care crisis ... the list goes on and on.

An election's coming, and who's most qualified to lead us?  How can we tell which candidate really has all the answers?

Both presidential camps hire spin doctors, media consultants and poll-takers to steer and guide their campaigns toward success.  All four candidates employ well-seasoned "coaches" to help them prepare for their respective debates because Appearance Counts! in Television Nation.

A bad performance, or even an errant word or an awkward pause, can ruin a candidate's hopes for the election, provoke the ire of the media and even end up with 5 stars on youtube.   We are Television Nation: if a candidate can't play an audience-pleasing role in HDTV and make an illustrious impression on talk shows, he/she is in immediate danger of becoming a national joke.

We think we want Substance, but we like looking at Shine.  And that's what we tend to vote for.

Which means the sad joke is on US.

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Candidate so-and-so is a terrific orrator, acts so Presidential and gives great speech ... except that the speech was written by a paid speech-writer or two, handed over to be honed by cabalistic consultants and then delivered for polishing by media master-hands long before the candidate ever sees a teleprompter.

For crying out loud, when they give speeches and make policy announcements, the guys n' gal campaigning for office aren't even reading their own words.

Call it Political Product Packaging ... is there any way of knowing what's under the wrapper?

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What if there was somebody who did know all the answers, who had no scandal-baggage, who had a perfect performance record and was wise beyond belief ... yet chose not to show up and smile on The View, grant interviews with pundits, attend Hollywood highbrow fund-raisers, someone who refused to become politically indebted to donors for favors or stand before crowds to give speeches delivering every plum and favor the audience demanded?

But someone unknown to America: a man without even a photograph to identify his face and set himself apart from the crowd.  In fact, no one alive has ever heard him give a speech or even speak in public.  

Would not knowing his face,  or without hearing him speak-- despite his flawless qualifications, create doubt and change your mind about his ability to assume control and get our problems ... all of them ... straightened out?

Does such a man even exist?    

Yes ... and he doesn't belong to either political party, spend time watching polls or hide himself away to rehearse and fine-tune publicity strategies with a staff of requited consultants.

And he won't need an ad campaign or media blitz, nor anybody's vote or political endorsement, to take charge and straighten things out FAST ... and keep them that way forever.