Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Why does God let bad things happen?"

I've heard critics use that argument, asking why a loving, benevolent and forgiving Creator would let tragedies happen ... as if therefore, God must not exist.

If God exists and if God is supposed to love us, then why did He allow that tragedy to happen?

In other words if God doesn't answer their inquiries or fulfill their expectations, these critics will eagerly deny God's existence and then optimistically place their faith (and salvation) in whatever god they can bend and conform to conveniently suit their expectations.

That's why the world is filled with gods like intellectualism, rationalism, money, fame, material success, sex, drugs, religion ... or anything else that happens to suit.


The next time the news headlines are splashed with the lurid details of another flood, another famine or any other tragedy, I wonder how many of the same critics who deny God's existence will step forward and argue

"Rationalism/money/sex/career success must not exist, because rational thought/money/sex/career success didn't prevent that bad thing from happening."