Here's a shot of the helm. That's a depth/fish indicator on the left; on the right is a Magellan GPS that interfaces with the VHF radio. That combination provides DSC collision avoidance and also distress information through a unique vessel ID number.

That's the VHF radio on the right. Behind the radio is a windshield defogger. To the left of the radio is 12-volt turbo fan.

The yellow box is a Xantax 20-amp 3-bank battery charger. The red box beneath it is a 3000-watt continuous power DC inverter ... which gives Ben 30 amps of household 110v AC electricity, enough to power a TV, microwave and table saw all at the same time.

Jensen 200 watt CD/MP3 player. Switches at left control VHF external speaker and hailer /fog horn mounted on flybridge.

One of the dinette's 2 speakers.

This shot is looking down at the 11-gallon water heater, under the rear dinette seat. At a marina, the heater runs off dock electricity. While underway, hot water is cycled through the engine block. At the very top of the frame is the 26-gallon fresh water tank.