I dunno what it's like at your house, but this morning I caught my floor fan trying to crawl inside the refrigerator.
Yesterday afternoon my wireless router got weird, and refused to accept incoming connections from my laptop. I'm upstairs now as I type this, but I won't be for much long because the desk thermometer says it's already 923 F. degrees ... and it's only 9:47am.
While I wait for the IT Department to show up (that means soon as I get over being aggravated) and chill down my router, here's Today's Traffic is Such A Hassle Playlist.
Up from the Skies - Jimi Hendrix (Axis: Bold As Love) .... awesome album btw!
Like A Rolling Stone - Jimi Hendrix (live at Monterey version)
Red House - Jimi Hendrix ("Are You Experienced" album)
High Speed Highway Bonus:
Try this next one if you find yourself running late today on the Interstate and can't resist the temptation of asking the gas pedal for time-management assistance.
The song has nothing to do with speeding, running late or feeling rushed ... it's just too heavy to enjoy if you're staring at a red light. As you nudge the speedometer past 65mph make sure your volume's up high enough that wind & road noise doesn't interfere with your listening enjoyment, and also to make sure the drivers you're passing can appreciate the lyrics.
Spanish Castle Magic - Jimi Hendrix (the live versions, free of studio effects and gimmicks, are especially interesting if you're into feedback & electric guitar virtuosity)