While we're counting down till tonight's six, just the odd bits I found on the floor under the table ...
1. I met dj's new dog last night. It didn't come from the pound; it came from pounder. I can't remember its name because I'm so badly traumatized by what happened I'm still shaking.
I thought this little weiner dog loved me, because he sat in the chair beside me for thirty minutes kissing all over my face. I thought it was cute and indicated affection.
Then he got bored with that, and focused his affection on Sheldon the cat who was sleeping in my lap but the cat wasn't having any of it.
I still think he's a sweet dog though.
2. Back on November 21 I wrote an unnecessarily long piece that mentioned something about the .600 Nitro Express elephant rifle from by-gone days. This morning I found a site all about Schamankangulo, the mysterious elephant hunter known as Larsen, who was one of the few men to use a Jeffrey .600 double in Africa.
No one's sure exactly when or how he died, which I think adds to the story's intrigue.
3. Sometimes my thinking is a bit off: I thought waiting until the last minute to do my Christmas shopping would give other shoppers a chance to finish up first and clear out before I got started on mine.
Evidently more people think like I do than I suspected, because it looks like there's lots of last-minute shoppers waiting for their turn to empty out the mall.
4. Turns out that was my friend Barrett's house on Market Street that caught fire Thursday afternoon.