I know ya'll are tired of hearing about boat stuff; believe me, so am I.
Especially today, when after consulting with Cap'n Mike we decided it'd be a good idea if I just wired up the old voltage regulator and see if it worked with the twice-rebuilt alternator.
It didn't.
Not only that, but I managed to foul at least one spark plug in the process. And unlike car spark plugs, once a boat engine fouls a plug it's gotta come out and be replaced. Only there's no way of telling which one, cause one is all it takes to start fouling all the others. So you wind up replacing all the plugs.
But I'm not defeated yet.
Mike said Ben's alternator might work in The Kid ... and all I gotta do to find out is swap alternators and re-wire The Kid's electrical harness. Neither of which I've ever done before, but I can't see there'll be any problems at all, absolutely none whatsoever ... and performing the entire surgery on two different boats with two different electrical systems should be a piece of cake.
I hate boats.