Wow. Last night I had a dream I was in the Kingdom Hall of ORP's childhood.
First thing I wanna say is that the colors in my dream had the same look as the pics on her blog. Not only that, but the women were dressed same as in her photos. Just the same. And they talked in odd, simple phrases spiced with Little House on the Prairie.
One of the women gave me a small handmade silk pillow as a gift. As she handed it to me I got stuck by a sewing needle protruding from the bottom of the cushion. I didn't make a big deal about it in front of my hosts, but later when I tried to remove it and took a longer look, I discovered the sewing needle was actually a scalpel.
I'm sure Freudians would have a field day with that one but personally, I don't think dreams are anything more than static electricity firing across miscellaneous neurons, and mean nothing at all ... sorta like the ticking sound a motorcycle engine makes when it's shut off and starts cooling after a long high-speed run.