I used to carry an empty sheet rock bucket around in the back of the truck because it just happened to be the perfect height to turn upside down, and use as a portable work-seat.
Notice I said used to.
But recently I grabbed the bucket to help bail out a boat that was suffering from a slight leak in its engine compartment. And instead of carrying the bucket straight back to the truck, I lazily left it on my slip next to the dock box.
So whaddya think happened next?
Almost overnight, my combo "work stool/bailing bucket" got turned into The Public Trash Can: I had no idea so many people walked around carrying trash and filth on their backs. Greasy rags, soda cans, empty oil bottles, candy wrappers, beer bottles, cigarette wrappers and stuff I can't even identify magically appeared ... as if from nowhere.
But why dump it on me?
Because, obviously, people think disposing of their personal garbage is urgent and important, and don't mind dumping it off whenever given the chance. Because it's convenient. Because their garbage creates an immediate need. Because spilling their trash on someone else seems too small and insignificant to even consider potential consequences.
No no no ... the worst part of the story is that after a few days of staring at other peoples' trash, the idea of emptying it all out & getting rid of it started looking like too much trouble ... and so I started using my work-seat as a trash can, too!
To me my bucket is more than white plastic and a handle: when put to work the bucket becomes an essential and worthwhile tool. Even though some other people have little consideration for tools, and only see an object that's opportunely available for their convenience.
Naaaah, I'm not gonna be settling scores tonight, untying dock lines or loosening drain plugs on boats belonging to suspected culprits. (Even if I thought revenge had been left up to me, that sort of Payback would be interpreted as Excessive for such a tiny Dis. And Excessive has pretty broad margins out here where I live) .
Not leaving my bucket (or any other tool) exposed, where anyone walking by can take advantage by tossing in their garbage, or even steal them from me, is totally up to me ... and staying trash-free completely my responsibility.