Doesn't matter that today's temperatures topped 100 degrees F; this afternoon I got a solid & complete ice-kicking ... promptly delivered On-Time courteous (though not coincidentally, I'm sure) of this morning's Dos post.
A few minutes before 5 PM I got an unexpected phone call from an unfamiliar number that meant facing up to and living with my own words ... and having the choice of simply hanging up ... or following Christ through frighteningly unfamiliar and scary territory. Yes it was hard, Yes I was way in over my head, No there's no point detailing the particulars because it's not Christ in me that hurts; it's the Me and the I that wants to crawl up under the lake and hide till the rapture.
What's That Guy Doing?! wasn't about driving boats at all: the subject had to do with representing Christ at all times ... even when we don't want to & especially in the most unbearably difficult situations (and today would go down near the very, very top if Bleak Me Moments counted or was worth remembering).
Folks, he is there and he's real. Always ... and we are never forgotten. Even when the broken pieces of us feel kicked around and scattered on the floor.