I decided to kill 15 minutes this afternoon while Mr. Wonder-Washer takes care of tomorrow's jeans today, and wandered around Facebook's newest stupification (my word, yaaa), "COMPARE FRIENDS."
We'll skip over exactly what that means because I'm not sure what that means, but as I was about to click away from the page that revealed my friends apparently think Bald Eagles are more kissable than me, I noticed an ominous orange skull in a lower sidebar with the caption "Find Out When You Will Die."
I guess if a dummy clicked on the skull, paid them some money, a computer would then calculate the precise moment (if not the actual means) of his earthly departure.
Look I know computers are smart and everything, but come on, does anybody (except a dummy) really believe that type of forecasting actually works?
I mean, if I paid them my dummy-money and they said I was gonna die on such-and-such a date, shoot, then all I'd have to do is stay home and watch TV that day. End of forecast.
Just one reason why I'm pretty sure it's a scam ... and one more thing to interfere with my plans.