Friday, September 28, 2007

Pocahontas - clarified; one reader writes back

So I'm back to my old schedule of getting up at 4 AM - which means I can watch feature-length movies like The New World before the sun's up.

Ok, so the truth is that most historians these days doubt the story about Pocahontas saving John Smith's life by throwing her arms around his neck as he was about to be clubbed to death by her fathers' warriors ... John Smith didn't get around to telling that story till 7 years after she died, at age 22.

Besides, he was 29 when taken prisoner and she would've been about 13. And Smith was hardly known for being a "friend" of Native Americans, sorry. Also, I wonder how many 20-something single women in the 21st century identify with Pocahantas, and wanna be "just like her" when they grow up.

Still it was great entertainment; some of my favorite lines include:

Oh, to be given to you …
You to me
I will be faithful to you
Two no more

You flow through me like a river
Follow me.
I can’t sleep till I see you again

She weaves all things together
I touched her long ago
Without knowing her name

Once false,
I must not be again.
Take out the thorn.

Aw gee, one reader sent me this original 3AM update:
I can hear her heartbeat from a thousand miles
And the heavens open up every time she smiles
When I come to her that is where I belong
And I'm running through her like a rivers song

Nice, indeed.