Seem hard to get up & motivated for church this morning, especially when the lake, a neighbor's bar-b-q or a huge summer sale are already competing for your undivided attention? Or maybe you're already too tired and fatigued from last night's "relaxations"?
Vernon is one of my missionary friends in TZ; I read this post earlier today on his blog ...
"My good friend Sandy Baird was invited to go [to Pakistan] to preach and speak at a seminar and several evangelistic meetings. Sandy invited me, and away we went together on August 16-20.
We met Pakistani Christians who love the Lord, but who live under constant surveillance and persecution.We were met at the Pakistan/Kashmir border by a truck of armed guards who escorted us to the church.
While we were present at the church and parsonage for the next three days, there were 6 armed police 24/7 guarding the church property because of our presence. The attendee's were 6 pastors and 40 or more church members and leaders. That evening, they began preparing for the evangelistic meeting. Everyone who came in to the compound, including us, were patted down (searched) by the police to add to the security.
In a nutshell, an amazing program of music was presented, over 600 people attended [emphasis added]. I had the privilege to preach while Bro. Aslam (Sampson's father) translated. Praise the Lord that 50 people [emphasis added] accepted Christ that night! Sandy and I shared preaching teaching responsibilities for the next two days. The seminars and the above scenario was repeated two more times! 50 saved the first time, 20 saved, 44 saved. Wow!
Interesting information and memories:
Most Christians cannot get good jobs because of their faith.
One man came to us and asked us to help deport his nephew and his wife because the nephews wife was Muslim, but she got saved. Now her family is threatening to kill her and the husband. In Pakistan, this would be "ok" to kill a convert.
Pastor Sampson was hassled by intelligence officers basically everyday asking about Sandy and me.
One picture Sandy took was of a man praying at the front of the pulpit area, and an armed guard with a machine gun standing behind watching the events.
We were escorted by police every time we left the compound.
Their lives are living sacrifices everyday. I will be praying with them and for them...and, by God's grace will not take for granted the freedom we have to worship in America, and, here in Tanzania where I serve. I returned home safe and sound yesterday (Tuesday) at about 2 pm. I'm tired, but energized spiritually."
---Do numbers really matter? Of the 70 million Christians murdered in the past 2000 years for professing their faith, 65.5% (that's 45.15 million) were killed in the 20th century. -source