I've never been driving down the road and suddenly had the car catch fire/blow up/explode out from under me.
And so far as I remember no truck I've been driving has ever been hit and destroyed by a meteorite. Come to think of it, I've never been a passenger on an airplane and suddenly had the wings or engines fall off either.
So why think about and dwell on such things?
Just because they haven't doesn't mean they're not about to ... which is enough to move me to take preemptive control right away:
1) From now on, any time I start thinking my vehicle (or whatever car I'm riding in) might break down or otherwise not carry me the entire distance of my journey, I'm immediately pulling over, parking and walking the rest of the way. Just to make sure I get there.
2) Any time I'm on an airplane and get bored, which leads me to start thinking "The pilot has no idea what he's doing" or anxious that "I'm behind schedule because the pilot forgot my schedule's important, " then I'm (a) denying the pilot exists; followed by (b) jumping out the emergency exit to take control of and save my own life.
After all, ain't it better to have Fall-back Plan #37 ready in case God forgets what I want?
"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God."
-Luke 12:6 NIV