Nobody drops by my blog looking for perfect analogies or expecting slick intellectual insights. The Blue Book clumsily still saws each timber by hand ... and turns out 2x4's and fence posts with all their flaws and imperfections intact.
Gotta admit I have a hard time watching reality TV.
Not the shows where human beings make fools of themselves to win money or fame in fake situations that have nothing to do with "Real Life," but the real real-life shows ... like the ones on National Geographic Channel starring The Hungry Lion family or the Starving Hyenas next door.
I won't go into the gruesome details; you can click on either link [above] and see exactly what I'm talking about if you're interested. At least if you watched, you'd know quite vividly what I'm referring to.
It's amazing that
-a Zebra mare will ignore the jaws of hyenas and run beside her colt to protect and save it from being eaten alive without regard to her own safety
-a Cape Buffalo female will willingly separate herself from the safety of the herd to race forward and protect her calf from a half-dozen lions intent on eating it alive
-female Elephants will swarm around and conceal an injured calf between their legs to protect it from being singled-out and devoured by predators
I'm awed by their Courage and frankly, their absolute Fearlessness in literal life-and-death situations usually leaves me in tears. I mean Heck ... I'm awed that none of them ran away explaining that graduation or their careers or their finances or disappointing their parents came ahead of fighting to save the lives of their offspring.
Go ahead & roll your eyes ... "Hey Papa Stupid, we're different. We're not animals, are we?"
Nope, because animals don't trust what they see on TV or put their faith in lies.
Only human beings could be so vain to create a "pro-choice" culture and then argue that destroying one's own offspring is rational and a "right."