There's a kid about 8 years old sitting with his mom at a table just about arm's length from me here at HH.
So far the boy's knocked his silverware on the floor, gone out to their car to retrieve his jacket, announced his return by throwing the keys back at mom, spun his chair around on the floor like he's sitting on stool ... I'd keep going but you get the idea.
Is this attention deficit disorder? Yeah ... and mom's got it ... because her attention's burrowed inside today's newspaper.
For whatever reasons (I'm 100% sure they're valid; excuses always are, especially when they're indulgently self-pitying) she's missed noticing her son is out of control. In other words, he's adapted to his environment, and she's become a mute witness to the train wreck that hasn't happened yet.
Awww come on cut them some slack, he's just a kid.
You're right. Give him ten or 20 years and he'll stop adapting and grow out of it.
Hopefully before he shows up in the driveway with a condom in his wallet and blows the horn to take my daughter out on a date.
b/c I'm too old to adapt.