Had a discussion recently with an out-of-town friend about some serious scriptural ideology ... namely, How much does your pastor make? and Will our pets be with us in Heaven?
See, it was budget-making time at his church, and the debate was already shaping up to be lively (as usual). My friend sighed and remarked, "Well, everybody's entitled to speak up with their opinion when it comes to spending the church's money. After all, it's our money."
My brain-brake wasn't fully engaged and I blurted, Your money?
"Sure," my friend answered. "Where else do you think it comes from?" Once the condescension gets started it's hard to stop: "Doesn't the congregation have a right to know what the pastor's getting paid?"
I asked why the pastor's take-home was important, except to hold as a lever-under-the table, and got a snicker for my trouble.
"There's always stories on the news about pastors stealing from churches, and it's the members' responsibility to closely monitor where their tithes are going! Membership comes with its privileges."
So I said, Then doesn't the congregation have the same right to know what every member makes?
I could practically feel his gasp hit my cheek. "WHAT on earth for? What sense does that make?"
I said, To make sure all the members are tithing, and that GOD isn't being robbed. Because it seems to me like the members could steal more from God than a pastor could steal from a church.
"Well," my friend continued, "did you know that a preacher only has one job? And that's to feed the flock."
I closed my eyes and wondered, Then why aren't they called Feed-ers, instead of Preach-ers?
But I wasn't fast enough to respond, so the subject tore off in a new direction.
My friend had been reading a book (I forget the name) that tries to draw a picture of what Heaven will be like, based on glimmpses and references from scripture.
The author claimed that since scripture mentions a "New Jerusalem" in Heaven, and the "old" Jerusalem's specific dimensions are referenced in the Bible; and since Heaven's streets be paved with gold, then Heaven must be a physical place ... meaning we'll have legs to walk from one place to another in Heaven.
The author also claims our pets will join us in Heaven, because animals were part of God's original perfect creation in the Garden of Eden, so why wouldn't He include the same perfect creatures in Paradise?
Especially since Heaven in always described in fun, happy terms (isn't that what Joy means?), who could be totally 100% happy in Heaven for ever and ever without their favorite dog (cats and pet reptiles, not so much).
Uh, you want fries with that order? I'm not mocking or ridiculing, I'm pleading: Won't being in Christ's presence be enough to answer every question and satisfy every need?