Monday, September 1, 2008

And back when I was a kid ... (updated with Google street view)

While I was online I also found this April 1, 1926 photo of the building where I went to school K thru 2, which was originally constructed as the islands' Administration Office.

That's it on the right, with the stairs leading to the tiled tower. You can go to and enter "34 Davis Blvd, Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida 33606, United States" to see a current Street View of the structure.

In the second grade, as the Big Kids, we got to assemble in a circle around the pole every morning, while the flag was raised.

The crew beside the palm tree is shooting a promotional film, no kidding.

Here's where the school had Kindergarten. It looked exactly like this April 28, 1925.

The sconces and chandeliers still worked when I was there. But they didn't leave any couches (or other nice furniture) around for us screaming younguns to ruin.

Notice the cool tile design in the floor and the sky-high ceilings (no AC back in those days) .

-photo source here