Wednesday, September 3, 2008

His election would be the saddest day in American history

I used to keep up with politics; now, not so much.

Each political party is convinced, and will argue, that their opponent is the worst, most immoral, most ill-suited possible choice ... and that anyone who supports him should seek immediate psychiatric evaluation.

Democracy? The US political process has been reduced to cynicism, hate, moral and spiritual arrogance ("I can tell you're not a real Christian if you're voting for that guy"), intellectual indignation ("How DARE you disagree with me, unless you're stoopid?") and self-serving expediency ("My guy will fix everything that's wrong with America so fast, he won't even need a second term!")

America's political forum no longer has room (or time) for discussion, cooperation and accommodation; both sides have agendas that virtually mandate sticking a thumb in your opponent's eye, questioning the ancestry of his/her pets ... and calling his (or her) mama names.

How can you reason with the kind of person who'd vote for that guy?

-- -- --

Voters on both sides feel the world is dissolving into quicksand under their feet. And that the other guy's sole reason for running is to ruin America once and for all- so both sides justify their fear and embrace RAGE and INDIGNATION as the backbone of their rhetoric: If that Lying, Poorly-qualified, Immoral Nut Job's elected, we'll see everything we love about America evaporate overnight!

No election in history has ever been more important than this one.

At least, that's what the celebrities, movie stars, executives and pundits wringing their hands on TV imploring us to join their side- and vote for their guy- keep saying.