Friday, December 25, 2009

Nobel Prize for Food ---- updated

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Haven't been able to enjoy some of my favorite foods for years ... staples like cucumbers, broccoli and garlic.

The symptoms included painful bloating, severe nausea and malaise lasting for days. I tried every over the counter antacid I could find, and even a prescription or two as well ... without success. So all I could do to keep from feeling sick was to avoid cucumbers, broccoli and restaurant pizza.

I did some research and apparently lots of folks suffer the same symptoms, although corn, beans and cauliflower can also be culprits. Then, in several online forums, I found dozens of folks who claimed Beano was the cure.

Took me about a week, but finally I remembered to try it and cautiously tested Beano's effectiveness by adding a touch of garlic to a recipe. No problems. After four consecutive days of working my way up to tablespoon-strength doses of garlic, there's still no trace of the gastric distress I'd come to expect.

Now I carry Beano wherever I go.

After a few days I finally put Beano to the test and tackled the dreaded cucumbers. A month ago, one quarter of a slice of cucumber would've made me sick with an upset stomach for days. Not this time: Beano really works ... so now, pass the garlic! ;-)

You can read more at Beano's web site here.