This afternoon I stopped at the electronics store across the street on my way to the grocery store.
At the cash register a woman was explaining to a male customer and to the sales clerk that she was from Ethiopia. I was standing about ten feet away and with the two customers' backs to me, I couldn't hear every word but I did hear the woman admit that she was Muslim.
Then the customer began explaining to the Ethiopian woman, in slightly accented English, "what Christianity was all about." From what I could hear the man covered a lot of ground, and hit the basics more quickly than any televangelist I've seen ... while the woman kept repeating "Really?" and "Oh really?"
But then I couldn't hear every word between them.
Finally the man said, "We should go over there, dig up the body, show everybody 'There he is!' and throw a big party." Then the three Muslims, all in their mid-twenties, enjoyed a raucous laugh together.
What struck me was how well this Muslim man knew Christianity. He could recite what Christians believe and explain their faith in a resurrected messiah to a stranger so effectively that my first impression had been that he was witnessing to the woman. But no, of course he wasn't ... because his faith was in Allah.
As well as the man knew the Christian religion, he didn't know a thing about the living Christ.