1. An amazing capacity and willingness to remake God, Christ and Scripture in their own image to satisfy their expectations and suit their own purposes: "God fits right inside this shiny box I built"
2. An unflinching eagerness to identify and diagnose the other guy's sins while completely overlooking and denying their own: "I may have my faults, but they're nothing compared to so-and so"
3. A condescending and suspicious I'm more saved and closer to God than you are attitude under the smiling handshakes and happy veneers: "I'm glad they're going to church and all, but I'm just not sure they're sincere"
Why those 3? Because I see them reflected in myself.
Take a night off from network TV and the cable channels to experience the film Of Gods and Men on DVD instead.

What's faith ... and testimony ... without works?
Watch the trailer here.