Last night I went to sleep bursting with enthusiasm about getting stuff done over the next two weeks and making real, tangible progress (an oxymoron, as it applies to marine repair & rennovation) and doubled-up on my rest by logging almost 7 hours in one night.
Then something happened around 11:15 AM and I ran out of E right there in the electrical aisle down at Lowe's. I knew what I wanted but ... it was Strange. Didn't even feel like grabbing anything for lunch because the only focus in mind was getting back to the house.
Must be the gloomy overcast. Must be I forgot to take my vitamins or it must be I need another cup of coffee. There must be something ... and here I am.
"Sudden Stop Ahead - Do Not Pass Go" Mid-Day Playlist:
Like the Weather - 10,000 Maniacs
- there's lots more rain ahead in the forecast
When the Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin