Sometimes it must seem like I'm in love with the keyboard, and can't stand to drag myself away from long-winded diatribes. But this time I'm forcing myself to leave out the gristle.
During dinner I heard a second-hand account that a woman and her son had recently visited a traditional large-denomination church in our community. During the service the woman had opened her New Living Translation Bible to follow the sermon... and afterwards was cautioned not to bring "that book" again, because only the King James Version was acceptable.
I forgot to mention her son wore jeans to church. She was told "the church has a fund to buy clothes for people who can't afford them."
In other words if you don't like the way we do things, which is the same legalistic self-serving way we've always done things to glorify ourselves in our self-righteousness, then you can go to hell for all we care.