Swung by DJ's house late this afternoon, intending to slip a water hose through the mail slot in his front door and leave him a nice surprise, but turned out he was home so I ended up with no choice but to be neighborly, stay for a visit and wait till next time.
[an aside: I couldn't get over last night how, after DJ finished cooking, Jamie got busy cleaning up the kitchen. Even had me pulling the knobs off DJ's stove to clean behind them. Shoot, I don't worry with cleaning up too much ... not until I get a second letter from DHEC.]
Ask DJ sometime about his butter salted peanuts. He'd just finished baking a fresh batch (they go well with his chocolate chip cookies btw) and gave me a half bag to take home.
TRY THE TOLLHOUSE MACADAMIA COOKIES in your grocer's dairy case. Man. Betcha can't eat just six. No fuss, no bother. Just a few minutes in the oven and ... and ... and then have the butter peanuts for dessert.
Finally, there's a a great, easy, fast recipe for a popular chain-seafood-restaurant's Batter Fried Shrimp here.
And at 8 PM there's a Rolex Series race on SpeedTV.