7:29 PM
You already know how I feel about dating and relationships.
Some girl (or guy, if you’re a gal) catches your eye, your heart flutters, you start flirting and soon imagine a picture perfect future together … and two weeks later find yourself bored … trapped in a relationship desperately waiting for something better to come along.
Dude and Dudette, you can’t take a swing at every ball that pitches near the plate. You gotta know what you want before you suit up, walk on the field and pick up a bat.
If you’ve had your share then you already know that by definition, “Relationship” implies a state of being related to something else. As in, “Our future is relative, because sometimes I relate to him/her more than he/she relates to me.
“See, last month she had wandering eyes and got distracted by some guy she met at work. But until then I was in love with her more than I could stand it and thought this was The Real Thing. Now I just want out … and look forward to falling in love and being with somebody else.”
Everything in a relationship is relative … because it means both parties are only relating to each other until something better comes along.
“Romantic relationship” starts sounding a lot like“easy dieting,” “jumbo shrimp” and “pleasure boating.”
Marriage is between equal partners; relationships tend to be unequal. So much for romantic relationships.
Because no one but Jesus has ever been raised from the dead, Christianity is not about religion; it’s about our relationship with the living Christ.
You and I will never, not ever, be equal to Christ. (Heck, you and I woulda bailed outta town soon as we saw the torches and swords start marching up the hill toward Gethsemane. Jesus knew what was coming, and stayed there waiting in our place.)
Christ knew us before we were born, before the first time we sinned, and as believers he still loves us knowing that we’ll sin again in the future. He hates what we do … but his love is perfect and means he’ll never let go, change his mind or start looking for something better. Not ever.
Our relationship with Christ will always be unequal because our eyes wander, but his love never changes. Christ proved his love with his sacrifice- by conquering the grave after dying for us on the cross so that we could have eternal life- yet he asks for nothing more than that we place our faith in him.
He asks so little in return, yet we so often we forget who paid our debt in full.
Hard to figure now how we can feel trapped, become bored or get distracted from the only perfect relationship we’ll ever know. Because nothing better is ever gonna come along. Never.
Not even if we wait for eternity.