After buying Calypso I decided I needed new sheets for the two bunks in the rear berth.
Being a guy (and having no idea where sheets and pillow cases are sold) I headed straight over to BB&Beyond because the name says it all ... and picked out sheets by Nautica (because "Nautica" sounds nautical, right?).
Man, who knew what that stylistic statement would cost? Yikes, just the sheets, pillow cases and comforter for Calypso's two beds woulda been $700. $700 bucks US ... and no dust ruffle, either.
I only got the sheets, figuring I didn't need comforting, dusting or ruffling.
This morning I dropped by Target, and got a reality price check about sheet and comforter options.
I Am Pathetic, I Know It Department
The reason I didn't call Fran or ORP before launching into domesti-sheet-ity is because they already know I'm helpless. The reason I didn't call S is because she only suspects it.
I didn't call Joe Sangl because there wasn't anything wrong with my old sheets in the first place. (And Ken woulda told me, "Macs come with new sheets. In titanium, with the Apple logo.")
Life lived, lesson learned.
So Papa takes another chuck on the financial chinny chin chin. Ouch.