Friday, May 4, 2007

Let's Have Sex

It’s Friday and my weekend is totally clear so drop by tonight and let’s hook up, get busy, do the Bad Thing & swap body fluids, make monkey faces, wear each other out, go diggity, make our toes curl, tear it up and tell our friends all the details on Monday … I'll rock your world, but all I’m asking is Don’t talk about your feelings, Don’t expect me to spend any money, and Please get out right away without expecting me to call or stay in touch- I’ll call when I’m ready next time.

That totally isn’t me, but I think it describes a pretty common mindset … even among a staggering number of single believers. So long as we’re consenting adults, is fooling around really that big a deal?

Hey Joe, Wait Just A Durn Minute! You don’t even “date” or do relationships

Even if I wasn’t a believer, there’s still a few questions I’d want answered before thinking too long & hard about indulging in a sexual relationship before marriage.

So much as one NO would be disqualifying:

-Do I trust this person enough to share a joint checking account with her?

-If I forgot or misplaced my bank card, do I trust this person would return it to me without using it?

-If I was incapacitated, would I trust this person to handle my personal finances?

-Would I trust this person with all my computer passwords?

-If I needed a house-sitter, do I trust this person enough to give her the keys to my boat (house/apartment), or allow her to spend a week there alone?

-Am I comfortable believing she’s never “fudged a bit,” misled or lied to me?

-Does she have a “history” of being faithful and monogamous?

-Do I feel certain she’s set her own needs and interests aside, and is focused entirely on what’s best for us both?

-Do I trust this person enough to tell her the most embarrassing, humiliating things about me ... including things from my past?

-Would I donate a kidney (or other organ) to save this person’s life?

-Would I be thrilled and look forward to introducing her to my parents and family?

-If something “went wrong,” would I want to (a) marry her, (b) have my child with her?

-Would I want her rearing my child?

-Would I want my child to become an adult like her?

-Would I be willing to die- without hesitation- to protect her from physical harm?

-Do I already know … with certainty … how she would answer these questions?

Seems to me that having sex, or any form of sexual gratification before marriage, should be a No Brainer. Even if you don’t think it’s a sin.

Which it definitely is.

Sex isn’t simple mechanics, it’s not an exercise regimen nor an alternative therapy for dealing with childhood issues. There is no greater intimacy than what two people share sexually, nothing will heal their vulnerabilities, build their trust and bond their commitment more completely than what God created.

Does it make any sense to dilute what God intended? No matter what the temptations. No matter what the popular excuses.