Saturday, March 21, 2009

Notes on staying home with the floo

Somehow I've got it and have had it all week, even though I bought a $35 flu shot at Safeway several months ago.

The vaccine folks would argue the shot is actually lessening my symptoms, or that the vaccine only represents a "best guess" about which form of flu might be prevalent and isn't necessarily 100% on the mark.  

Ugh, ok then.  If you've got the flu it might be a good idea to stay home until you're no longer contagious, to prevent spreading your bug to un-deserving friends and un-suspecting co-workers.  Really.  Stay home, be a good friend and don't make your friends sick.

No, that doesn't mean you have to miss  going to church if you're sick or shut-in.

Even if you're not coughing, sneezing and aching with the flu.