Thursday, July 23, 2009

Got sand?

The argument that "There is no empirical proof that God exists; therefore God does not exist" is wildly popular, and seems entirely sufficient for the folks who embrace it.

But God preceded human logic; that means he gets to make the rules.

Every one of them.


Imagine you've got a bucket of sand. Grab a handful, and let it slowly slip out through your fingers. Imagine each grain of sand represents a universe the size of our own. Then think about all the grains of sand contained within each one of those universes, and imagine that they're all universes, too.

Pretty big, eh?

Now remember that God is infinite, and that Graham's number of universes squared doesn't come close to representing a microscopic speck of what Infinite means.


Trying to prove "God does not exist", based on the limitations of man-made words and concepts, strikes me as as intellectual arrogance.

Mr. and Ms Atheist, you're just not that smart ... and God is much, much much too big.