Haven't posted in a while; here's why.
Friday night I was walking back to my boat and tripped over a piece of driftwood someone had thoughtfully left lying beside a dock box, and went sprawling (it looked so luch like a shadow from a dockline I never even saw it). I caught myself in time to keep from taking a bath in the Chesapeake, but my left (bad) knee took the impact.
I've logged 12 hours of sleep since then.
2. Life with ADD
I've heard folks who don't have ADD suggest that folks with ADD should simply make a List, and learn to CONCENTRATE and FOCUS. Here's why that "solution" doesn't work:
Let's say your List says "Call Bill." In reality, here's what happens: I'll dial Bill's number and then immediately put the phone back down on the table and go on to the next thing on the list ... never mind that when Bill answers all he hears is my background noise; I'm already busy CONCENTRATING and FOCUSING on the next task on my List.
True. Did it twice yesterday.