Now picture yourself jabbing your finger in your friend's face and demanding, "Mind telling me what all that's based on?"
What if your friend shrugged, looked you in the eye and said, "Based on the person you're dating."
I made lots of painful mistakes in this area. More than plenty, thanks for asking. The reason I made all of those mistakes is because I pursued what I wanted, instead of asking God for discernment and then being absolutely certain of what He wanted.
I've become a big fan of God by paying attention to Him and have come to realize that beyond any doubt, across all of eternity, The Creator has never made a single mistake. Not one. He's never even had a bad idea. And if following His will and listening to Him means finding the person He intends and keeps me from making more painful mistakes, guess what? I don't mind that one little bit.
A stubborn insistence on making the same mistake over and over again proves that person hasn't used their mistakes to learn WHY they keeping making the same mistakes. That person believes Pain and disappointment is inevitable and just something to "get over," like a sports injury. From playing the field.
The explanation behind long strings of bad relationships, broken romances and multiple divorces is usually the cliché "Don't I deserve the right to be happy?!" Against all odds, the cliché person is constantly looking for new solutions and answers, trying to figure out "What I keep doing wrong" ... and vainly trying to conform God's will to their pursuit of emotional "happiness."
Guess whose will is gonna endure?
The Bible doesn't teach that dating is spouse-shopping.
The Bible doesn't teach that great deals are waiting among all the junk in romantic yard sales.
The Bible doesn't teach "Starter Marriages" or endorse "Try Before You Buy."
The Bible doesn't teach "Trust God in all things except in thine crushes, or in thine flirtations and infatuations, or in thine romantic passions and Valentine daydreams."