Friday, May 14, 2010

Pleasure Principle Christianity

I haven't met every non-believer in the world, but my impression of the ones I have met is that if you asked them "What's the difference between you and someone who claims to be a Christian?" their answers might go something like this:

"They're hypocrites, that's the big thing. Christians make a big deal about church and how important church is but from the churches I've been to, church is all about dressing up, being seen and making a big impression. Churches like to teach don't drink, don't smoke, don't curse, don't have premarital sex, don't go to R rated movies ... which starts making church sound like it's just a bunch of rules against having fun.

"Christians say you've gotta stop sinning and follow a bunch of rules if you want to get into Heaven, but the real reason they want to go to Heaven is because they're expecting to be rewarded once they get there. In other words, they're willing to postpone having fun in this life so they can have fun forever, make up for lost time and get everything they want in Heaven.

"Another thing I've noticed is that for wonderful as they say Heaven's gonna be, when crunch time comes they sure don't seem very happy about finally going there.

"I guess what it comes down to is that Christians really aren't that much different from everybody else. They're looking for ways to be happy and get what they want, same as everybody else. Christians just think getting into Heaven is the answer and the best way to do it."


After Christ was flogged and crucified, while he hung dying on the cross, I don't think promising us happiness in this life or giving us a reason to feel self-righteous about going to Heaven was what he had in mind.