I'm writing this at 2:13AM because it was very hot today and I've got an air-conditioning issue (that's code talk for "My AC is broke.")
The 27-year old air conditioner worked fine so far this season, but today the little 8000btu central unit only managed to lower the cabin's temperature about 5 degrees cooler than the ambient temperature outside, which the helm thermometer indicated had soared past 101.7F by 3PM.
Not only was I hot, but the AC was leaking water into the cabin and soaking the carpet.
Just like it had toward the end of last year.
Tonight I determined to finally fix it, and found out the problem is a clogged drain pan. It only took me 9 months (and 3 weeks of soaked carpet and standing water last summer) to diagnose the problem.
Tonight I'm gonna pray about how to fix it, cause I've got a total shortage of good ideas.
I did pray about it the next morning, and then I grabbed my tools and stuck both hands into the air conditioner cabinet and kept feeling around until I found the problem.
It turned out that since I'd removed the cabinet door to let a service technician recharge the refrigerant, without the cabinet door put back in place warm humid air was being sucked in around the evaporator ... and promptly condensed like the sweat on the outside of an iced tea glass, eventually forming the puddles leaking into the cabin. Yes, I screwed the cabinet door back in place and that fixed it.
Ever noticed how often we pray for favors, blessings, gifts and miracles ... or for things to just generally go our way? We don't like to admit how seldom we approach God in prayer and ask him what we can do for him, so we might be in the habit of disguising our prayers in reverent, worshipful-sounding code talk ... as if The Creator can't tell what's on our minds and is clueless about what's really inside our hearts.
Here's a few examples.
Code: Lord I'm ready to settle down and commit to a long-term monogamous relationship that will eventually lead to marriage, so please send the man (or woman) you planned for me to be with to my front door.
Translation: I'm at the bottom of the dating barrel and I've started thinking Nobody will ever marry me and that I'm not worth being loved. Plus, I don't have the money to buy new clothes and keep going to singles bars.
Lord please heal my finances and let thy bounty and thine abundance shower down upon me.
Uh oh, my MasterCard bill came in the mail today.
Lord please guide and reveal yourself at my church so that they may get back on track and follow your will.
I got asked to volunteer and have used up all my best excuses.
Lord please reveal yourself to my boss, so that he may recognize and finally repent of his evil ways and be saved.
I've already told everybody at work what a jerk the boss is ... and I'm pretty sure he found out.
Lord please bless this food, and we thank thee for thy bounty and for thy blessings.
Translation: I hope there's nothing on my plate that's gone bad and ends up sending me to the hospital.
Lord please show yourself and spread your word so that sinners around the world will hear it.
I'm too busy with my own plans to do it.
Lord if you'll just do this one thing, I'll start going to church, start reading my Bible, stop sinning and I'll do whatever you want me to do with my life.
No I won't.