The examiner told me he couldn't find anything really wrong with my piloting, signed some official-looking forms and handed them to my instructor. Then my instructor presented me with my new license and said, "There's a new pilot in the world."
I was so excited & enthusiastic that day that I had zero hesitation about continuing to the next pilot skill level ... and earning the coveted Instrument Pilot Rating.
I borrowed a set of Instrument Pilot Rating videos from my instructor and plugged them into the VCR soon as I got home. But by 11 PM I began facing the awful realization that I was suddenly a beginner all over again ... with an amazing amount of information to grasp ... and pitifully in way over my skillset and experience.
Imagine you're flying alone at 9000 feet and turbulence has been knocking you silly for the past two hours. It's pitch black outside but a lightning flash suddenly reveals you've flown into a cloud bank so thick you can barely see the tips of your wing lights just ten feet away. Oh boy, you're ready to land and have this flight over with when the radio fills with static and crackles,
"Cessna November three-two-niner five, Atlanta Center. Turn left heading one four zero for traffic, cleared as filed direct to ATL. Descend to five thousand, cross FIQ at or above 4000 and continue to JAILS until established, left-hand holding pattern. Expect vectors to PUMIF. Hold and expect NDB backcourse approach Zebra runway two seven left. Squawk 123.5 Contact Hartsfield Approach one two four six. Have a good evening, sir .... oh, and keep your speed up on final."
Only it takes the air traffic controller lots less time to blast through that paragraph than it does for you to reach down and realize your pencil is broken, no kidding, but as an IFR-rated pilot you're expected to have your clearance nailed down on the first transmission. That's what IFR flying is all about, after all.
You did copy all that, right?
I hope so, because both your radios and navcoms just lit up like sparklers and filled the cockpit with the smell of burned bacon, leaving you completely incommunicado at six thousand feet, boring propeller holes through a solid cloud layer doing 130 mph and flying completely blind ... with the runway and all kinds of hungry trees, hillsides and power lines waiting down there to greet you.
November three two niner five, Atlanta Center. Acknowledge and confirm clearance, over.
That sounds so hard! Yikes, it's like they're talking a whole different language down here. Why can't somebody tell me what to do in plain "10-4 Good Buddy" English ... and make it seem easy instead?
I haven't had cable TV for the past two weeks and without The History or Discovery Channel available I checked in on Dr. Phil ... whose afternoon was jammed trying to put the adulterous pieces of a broken marriage back together again with sound, common sense good advice:
"It's going to come down to both of you asking yourselves, How bad do I want this marriage to work? Am I ready to communicate with my spouse and accept professional counseling? Am I willing to reach down deep inside and do whatever it takes to make this marriage work?"
Those instructions seem sincere, easy to understand and don't require lots of explanation. In a nutshell, all you and your spouse gotta do to heal what's broken is to Communicate and Really Want It... and Viola, your broken marriage will eventually sort itself out.
What's left out is that Communicating and Really Wanting It depends on a lifetime of perfection and failure-free success from the partner(s) who violated the marriage covenant in the first place. Communicating and pursuing "What I Want" as a priority is what led to one or both partners to have an adulterous affair in the first place.
That's the pitfall with Pop Psychology strategies and feel-good Self Help instructions: the hope of a quick and self-empowering fix, without repenting and trusting that God's power and righteousness is greater.
That's why Communicating and Really Wanting It sure sounds easier to remember and apply than putting ourselves aside to acknowledge, obey, trust and live according to God's commandments.
Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress?
Why embrace the bosom of another man's wife?
For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD,
and he examines all his paths.
The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him;
the cords of his sin hold him fast.
He will die for lack of discipline,
led astray by his own great folly.
- Proverbs 5:20-23