I sometimes wonder if tithing might be the most difficult task most believers face over the course of the month.
The temptation to "Do it tomorrow," "Wait and see what happens" or to worry "But how much will that leave me?" can be hard to ignore.
Then something occurred to me, and I got a little perspective.
If I withheld one week of my tithe ... meaning God's ten percent ... let's say to spend going out on a date instead, the amount of money I'd stolen would barely be enough to buy two movie tickets, two large popcorns and two large Diet Cokes. And that's 10 percent of gross. So is robbing God worth it to see a movie?
Your figures will be different but the point's exactly the same: Ten percent is still ten percent.
Here's what I've found out. Paying God first squashes the temptation to avoid paying God at all.