Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Almost There
Meanwhile, I got a nice surprise visit from Brent Sears. We took The Key West Kid out for about an hour ... and Brent showed he knows how to cleat up a boat nice n' neat.
Hope to resume regular posts later this week and uh oh, I've almost filled a small (blue) book with
notes and ideas.
Ahoy ... great seeing & talking with you this afternoon, dearest friend. Must do it again soon!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Decisions, decisions
Here's a few things I saw this week.
A car hidden away because the owner still needed it, but could no longer afford the payments. Women standing on street corners late at night along Whitner. The boat of a man of a man who drank himself to death ... in less than 3 months.
It struck me that none of these situations occurred accidentally. Nor did they suddenly develop overnight. In each case that person's predicament took time, years even, to finally develop and emerge ... and most likely, only after a long series of ill-advised personal decisions.
Ah come on, Joe. Sometimes things just happen that way.
Not every crisis has severe moral overtones nor does any one of us make perfect choices every time. But again, none of these scenarios happened overnight ... and I certainly doubt any of these people woke up one morning, smiled to his or herself, and then decided to intentionally choose a course that would cause them to self-destruct.
We face choices and make decisions every day ... like whether to invite a co-worker to church, who we'll associate with and call our friends, what TV shows, movies, books and entertainment we'll pump into our brains ... so often and so regularly they become routine and so seemingly benign that we make them spontaneously and without thinking ... forgetting to consider the long-term consequences of what seem to be quite minor, insignificant and unrelated actions.
Wouldn't decision-making be a lot easier if we could only see the potential consequences of our choices ahead of time?
Or maybe we already can ... it's just more fun, or glamorous or more exciting to ignore consequences and convince ourselves "That won't happen to me."
Which inevitably tricks us around the corner to discover "But why me?"
Saturday, February 24, 2007
A Duck's Tale - updated with this morning's photo

This morning I finally saw Hansel and Gretel again ... they're a pair of gorgeous white ducks I've seen around the marina for years.
Yaaa, and this fairy tale came to me to explain their tale (as well as why they're always inseparable) ... hope you like it.
Once upon a time there was a young man named Hansel who lived beside the lake. Then one morning Hansel noticed a beautiful young girl standing on the opposite shore. He waved and to his surprise, she waved back at him.
Even though the lake was too wide to cross, too long to walk around, and too far for even their voices to carry across, each morning Hansel would nonetheless stand on his shore and wave across at Gretel. He tried shouting, "Hello!" each time he saw her, even though the wind carried his voice away before it could reach her.
But Hansel was badly smitten, and refused to give up because that far away vision of Gretel had found its way inside his heart.
Now there was a mean hag who lived among the weeds on the bottom of the lake, whose name was Aeges. Aeges was hateful and malicious, as hags most always are, and one morning Aeges heard Hansel on the shore calling out to Gretel, "I would give anything to be with you."
Puzzled, the mean old hag swam under the waves to investigate and see for herself who had captured poor Hansel's heart. Aeges followed Hansel's voice and roamed across the lake bottom until she came to the far shore where Gretel stood, staring across the lake at Hansel.
Then Aeges heard the girl say, "I would spend the rest of my life with him, if only I could."
The horrible hag was so outraged and furious that even the wind blew itself away. Ages was beside herself with wrath and said many oaths because she was so wicked herself ... and Gretel's beauty and innocence had captured Hansel's heart. And then to find out Gretel was also in love with Hansel only made matters that much worse.
So right then Aeges decided to curse them and their love forever.
"Fine," she snapped angrily to herself. "If you two are so eager to be together forever, then good! You shall have your wish!"
And with the snap of her slimy fingers she turned the two lovers into a beautiful pair of snow white ducks. Not sure what had just happened to his arms and feet, Hansel nonetheless lunged into the water and began to swim madly, paddling as hard as he could toward Gretel, while at the same time Gretel lost no time swimming from her side to meet Hansel halfway.
Which is just what they did. And to the old hag's surprise and disappointment, Hansel and Gretel were delighted to finally be together, and have been inseparable ever since.
You may be asking yourself, "Why did the hag choose to turn Hansel and Gretel into ducks?"
Remember that Aeges was a wicked, cruel and spiteful hag ... and was perfectly aware that ducks can never touch hands, kiss ... or hold each other in an embrace.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Answered in a timely fashion
-2 Corinthians 11:3-4
Remember; it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
-James 4:17
Nope nope nope
Maybe could be Saturday but definitely not Sunday.
We'll shoot for Monday or Tuesday and see what happens.
Feels like I'm turning into a potted plant ... at least, I'm fighting the urge to plant azaleas and install aluminum siding around Ben's trailer.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Checking In
Thought it was a diesel truck idling outside but it was the fresh water pressure pump turning itself on ... which led to nightmarish visions of water flooding into the cabin from a hose clamp suddenly busting loose behind an inaccessible bulkhead.
I never did get back to sleep ... but everything checked out OK this morning once the sun was up, so no complaints on my end.
It's 10 days late, but Mike says Thursday is the new target date.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Posting by invitation ...
I was asked to post today by an invitation from the Papa. It made me think about the power of "Inviting".
Come on over to my house for dinner. That is an invitation to learn a lot about someone. They are opening up a portion of their life that most of their peers never see. You will be able to see their neighborhood, their living arrangements, the type of food that is eaten, and how they interact with their family.
Want to go to church with me? Want to learn a lot about someone? Attend church with them. See if they act any differently than they do normally!
Can you help me work on my house? This allows you to see how well they interact with others. It allows you to see how they interact with friends, suppliers, contractors, etc.
Would you help me move? Wow! You get to see all of the person's stuff! Very cool.
Invitations are incredibly important ways to learn about someone. Many times the invitation is very subtle. We are scared to open up parts of our lives to others so we veil the invitation. Occasionally, someone will pick us up on the invitation. I have met most of my closest friends through an invitation to go help them with something or to visit somewhere with them.
Papa - Thanks for the invitation!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Only 3 temptations catch me off guard
2. The kind that smoulder a long time, go away but then keep coming back
3. The kind that occur daily
You can't put it there if it's not there
The Kid is Loose!
Fortunately it only took about 10 minutes, and some new knots, to have her back home safe and sound.

My little runaway. Uh oh.

Mike takes a gander.

Notes on Flying Solo
At the end of that afternoon's lesson the instructor told me stop on the taxi way, opened the door and stepped out. He leaned into the cabin with a handheld radio in one hand and said, "Joe, you know exactly what to do and you've proved to me you've already got the ability. Now show me you can fly this airplane."
Then he grinned, shut the cockpit door and watched from the grass beside the runway while I pushed the throttle home and began accelerating down the runway. As the tiny airplane leapt into the air I remember glancing at the empty seat beside me and thinking, "Whoa. I'm up here by myself ... and nobody can get me back down except me."
The idea tickled me giddy because I was so eager to be done with the mind-numbing memorization of gas, gear, wheels, propeller and trim. I wanted to finally enjoy the sensation of flying, and the freedom of actually being in the air ... without an instructor murmuring in my earphones.
About a minute later I leveled off in the landing pattern and peeked back down at the ground, noticing I while could no longer see my instructor I remembered he had his radio on, just in case a "situation" arose.
That was the reality of flying solo for the very first time. I had the ability and knowledge to do what was necessary to land safely ... and all I had to do was remember my training and ultimately perform and execute.
One of the things that discourages me most often is seeing believers who carry their old sins around in their pockets ... like a set of keys to a house they no longer own.
So many behaviors and attitudes have become routines that they're habits and we no longer see them for what they are: Sins.
And even though the smallest, most insignificant and seemingly trivial and harmless sin-- whether it's gossiping, telling "white lies" or throwing a temper tantrum still represents a detour, a hurdle and an obstacle in our walk with Christ.
Maybe the thrill of salvation has gradually worn away because our faith is rusty and out of practice. Maybe eternity seems too far off in the future to be concerned about. Or maybe there's something we want- whether it's emotional, sexualk or material doesn't matter- We Want It Right Now to satisfy ourselves and think God won't notice if we help ourselves to it.
... or maybe we think we're flying so high on our own we can't see Christ is still watching.
Maybe some of us feel scared of being "out there" in the big sky in a tiny airplane all by ourselves either because we lack the necessary skills to keep going, or no longer have confidence in our training.
Maybe without a legalistic voice in our earphones reminding us of the rules, we feel entirely free to ignore them.
Maybe it's simply too hard to think about Performing and Executing when the time comes or fear has so eroded our faith that we doubt we can ever get back down on solid ground.
We forget Christ the prayer's radio there when "situations" develop ... even after we'ved turned the communications radio off. The difference is, obviously, that no matter what it feels or seems like, believers are never soloing or flying alone in the cockpit.
God's always there and faith in him through Christ comes with incredible power to walk away from sin and temptation ... if we trust and believe that we can.
-and no I'm not perfect, either.
Log from The Blue Boat
The first is that if you kept records of the TV shows, web sites visited, books (including romance novels), spending habits (including tithing) of believers and compared them to the TV shows, books, etc. of non-believers you'd have a hard time distinguishing which group was which.
The preacher who made this point went on to include the work ethic, views on sexuality and promiscuity, the jokes believers tell and repeat ... on down to what clothes they wear ... just don't vary that much with the lifestyles of non-believers. What?
His point supports the observation of another radio preacher: the biggest problem with believers today is the failure to separating ourselves from sin, because we no longer fear God or believe we'll be disciplined ... and subjected to a harsh and sudden course correction.
Don't Take the Snap
The other preacher related that atheletes hate watching replays that highlight and point out their mistakes. Especially when the errors include missed chances at making The Big Play and fumbles resulting in a score for the opposing team.
The mistakes are up there on the big screen in plain view for all to see ... so there's no place to hide.
It's kinda hard to explain away with, "That wasn't me" or "It wasn't my fault" or "What about all the other guys on the field? They made me do it."
During slow-motion replays of fumbles, interceptions and dropped passes I've heard sports announcers chuckle, "I'll bet he wishes he had that one back."
I wonder how big the screen's gonna be on Judgement Day, and how many people will watch the replay and stammer, "Wow, I wish I had that one back" ... and suddenly realize how their fumble on the interception they threw, in the biggest game of all, allowed the enemy the go-ahead score.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Baldness? And other Man Troubles
I got a phone call from him a moment ago. He reports that his favorite new activity involves rolling down his hill, tearing at his hair. Why the angst? Mike the Mechanic reports that Ben's transmission is perhaps incompatible with the engine they were planning to install today. So. It looks like another long week on the boat, on the trailer, on the hill, at the Marina for Papa Ridgeback.
The good news is that with the engine out of the way, Papa can access Ben's plumbing without hanging upside down. So it isn't all bad-- at least he has something to do out there besides rolling down the hill, snatching himself bald.
Papa also reports that since his house is sold now, he has to have all of his stuff moved out by next Friday. He mentions possibly cloning himself in order to get everything done in time. I say the world is not ready for PR clones! I have volunteered to round up all of the remaining moving boxes from our house and come help Papa move.. without touching his stuff, of course.
Because we all know how he hates it when people mess with his stuff! He likes the dust bunnies and has been cultivating them since I met him 14 years ago. ;-)
Engineless Boat with Plumbing Trouble Playlist:
"Crying" -Roy Orbison
"Son of a Son of a Sailor" -Jimmy Buffett
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
-from last night's reading
You who love the Lord, hate evil!
He protects the lives of his godly people
and rescues them from the power of the wicked.
Light shines on the godly,
and joy on those who do right.
-Psalm 97: 10-11
Monday, February 12, 2007
Grocery Getters

FF here again. Saturday morning, before Papa had so generously been loaned the white camry with groovy purple tinted windows, Papa needed groceries. Always being up for an adventure with Papa I volunteered to come scoop him up in my "Grocery Getter" (the cavalier) and take him on an excurstion to the local Ingles. For those who were wondering, here is the Papa Basic Staples Marina Grocery List
New York Strip
Hand Soap
Diet Coke
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Here is the Frashley Grocery List
Pellegrino Bottled Water
Snow White Valentines Candy
Special Valentine's Gum contained in both gorilla and bear containers (I got both and intend on repurposing them at work to hold paper clips and thumb tacks)
Frozen Broccoli (to be a fit Frashley)
Chocolate Glazed Donut Holes
Pillsbury Slice and Bake Valentine Sugar Cookies
While in Ingles Papa and I saw a very interesting Valentine. It was red and camo and said "GET ER DONE" on it along with a picture of whatever comedian came up with that phrase. Just goes to show you never know what will happen when you are grocery shopping on a Saturday moring with Papa Ridgeback.
Artwork by Richard Burnside of Pendleton, SC.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
guest post
9,260 in attendance
250+ salvations
Perry sums it up well.
Does God have a sense of humor?

Dispatch from The Hill hiatus-
Oh definitely, he must because this is amazing. The irony here is beyond belief ... heart-breakingly funny ...in fact, I've already named my new ride The Grouchmobile.
Thanks to Paul and Beth for lending me these wheels while Yellow Steve's in the infirmary; Beth thinks driving a Camry will allow me a chance to get back in touch with my feminine side.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Papa Needs a Brand New Bag
So, my thought for the day is that Papa needs a few "brand new" things. If I had the money, here's what I'd buy him (in no particular order):
1) A New Sea Camper. We'd get some psychic or something to transfer the soul of Ben into the new boat.. then Joe wouldn't be in danger of sinking.. once he hits the water, that is.
2) A new SUV that does not have any Lucas ELectric components. A Hummer maybe? Or one of those old Toyota Land Cruisers...
3) A new love interest.. someone of appropriate age, maturity, and character to give our Papa the lovin he so richly deserves. But then I probably wouldn't be able to buy this one.. Hmm.
4) A horse. Horses are good for everything that ails ya.. they're friendly and warm and they always know the way home even when you get lost on the trails. Like dogs, their needs are simple, though they are a lot of work to maintain. Still, Papa needs one, if only so he can go riding with me and Trigger.
And with that, I am going to bed. Before I go, a special O.R.P. edition of the playlist:
"Big Ovaries" - Saffire the Uppity Blues Women
"The River"- Wanda Johnson
"Caldonia" - Louis Armstrong (I think. If not, I apologize to BB King)
Friday, February 9, 2007
Modern Day Drifter
PR has not had a good day. In fact, Papa has had a bad day. As I am writing this he is stranded at the marina. This afternoon he was driving into town when he unexpectedly had some car trouble. He ended up having to get Yellow Steve (The Disco) towed. He had no way to even get to his home from where he was. The Frashelys wanted to come take him into our custody, however we were at school and could not leave. He was able to get a ride to his house and then finally got dropped off at the marina. He is now snuggly contained in Ben, listening to the wind whipping through the trees and listening to music (I imagine).
I am searching for a good moisturizer, thinking of all the wind Papa must be hearing right this very instant reminded me of this.
Certain words and phrases should be eliminated from being used. The use of "per", as in the order is "per Winnie, Regional Manager". That is sooo hinky!! I had a co-worker at the mall who used this incessantly. On another note I really like the word "splash". It's not a bad movie either.
Lindsay Lohan just bought Marilyn Monroe's old apartment. I still want one of her personal effects. They can still be found for auction from time to time. Do you think LL will experience any hauntings? Before Mariah Carey had a stint in rehab she thought she heard Marilyn Monroe's voice coming out of her baby grand piano.
Today I sent PR a Valentine on facebook. It was a little treasure troll icon, hiney first. He sent me back a groovy lava lamp Valentines.
I have been really offended because I have overheard so many comments people have made about Anna Nicole Smith. Today in MGMT 371 some kids behind me were laughing and making fun of Anna Nicole. The poor girl has not been dead 24 hours, I mean come on. That is so mean spirited. There is even a group on facebook as of today called "Now that Anna Nicole Smith is dead the average IQ has risen"-so tacky. I am sure she has made mistakes, but who hasn't? I know I have made many. She may have had her phases of looking like a marshmellow, but she was always beautiful.
I am about to go to bed.
On The Papa Playlist
SOS Rihanna Song, especially the line "cause I'm your tiny dancer"
Ain't No Other Man, Christina Aguilera
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Ben on The Hill

Ok, here finally is a shot of the electrics locker. Every switch, every panel, every connection was lovingly, deliberately wired by hand.

Hump Day's Not Over Till It's Over Super Wednesday Playlist
Runnin' Down A Dream - Tom Petty
Please Don't Go - KeyWest and The Sunshine Band*
* (I may've slipped a ringer in there, to see who's paying attention :-)
Miles n' miles to go ....
Woke up at 2:30 am & forced myself back to sleep, sorta, till 4:30. Then started putting Ben back together, spent 45 minutes fiddling with the boat trailer, for this morning's trip back to the marina ... where Ben will live for the next week or so till the engine's replaced.
The good news is the used engine Mike found also comes with a transmission at no extra charge. Good news for me since the seal leaked badly on the old one, but more installation trouble since the outdrive is in the way. Which means it's gonna take longer than one day to swap engines.
I know all this boat stuff is excruciatingly boring, but it's part of the process of getting from here to there ... taking many baby-sized steps along the way.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Playlist Solo
The Tuesday Crush Real Granite Counter-heart Playlist:
Wonderwall - Oasis
Unplayed, Unappreciated, Unmentioned and Overlooked Long Enough Playlist:
Tumble in the Rough - Stone Temple Pilots
-Does hot water work? No!
-Running lights work? No!
-Oven screwed back in place? No!
-Water heater hoses installed No!
-Any ideas about replacing the fridge? No!
-Think you can back the trailer from the driveway without hitting the house? No!
-Are you thoroughly hosed? Yes!
Uh oh.
Monday, February 5, 2007
I never would, but if I did ...

It's a Cutco and it's dreadfully expensive. A complete set costs something like $1100, which I'd never spend on kitchen knives, but Cutco cutlery is out of this world. Comes with a lifetime sharpening warranty to boot.
The new Blue Book?
Some of the text messages I get are funnier and far more interesting than anything I can think of to blog about here. My idea is to port my Inbox straight into new posts here at The Blue Book, and dispense with original posting entirely.
For example ... messages I've received from different people on different days with completely different subjects:
Do you ever get a crush on the idea of someone not the person? 12:30 am
Wish u were here 8:27 am
Turn u're phone on- it's time 4 for my session 8:48 am
Ah. Sitting, waiting, wishing. I knew the dance well. 3:36 pm
Do you like green eggs and ham? 3:50 pm
Depends on if you have a girl over at the house. 8:28 pm
What r u doing 8:59 pm
Awww! 9:33 pm
Do a ditty bob ditty b00 - u r right again 11:37 pm
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Tell me something about yourself you've never told anyone else
Maybe this will be one of the posts I look back on later and think, "What was I thinking when I posted that?"
But right now I'm missing the Super Bowl (waiting for tonight's Playlist to burn to CD) so I'll slide this one in ... and hope nobody notices until it's buried deep within The Blue Book archives.
Here's something I'll bet ya didn't know about me: I'm not into boobs. It's true. Maybe I'm the only guy on the planet, but there it is.
So I guess that's all: now you know everything there is to know that I haven't forgotten.
Uh oh. My cell just called me on the house number, I'm not kidding. Both phones are sitting by themselves in plain view on the desk. Can anyone explain how that happened?
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Se neno, ninakufahamu -updated with links
Word of God Speak - Mc D [acoustic]
Usiku mwema. Lala salama, marafiki.
Sat Nite Wind-Down
We're also powered by PCs, you see.

I keep wanting to tell you about Bill, but ...
Anyway, you scream I scream we all scream for some disco, so ...
"The Artful Dodger's It's A Snook Saturday" Playlist:
West End Girls - Pet Shop
I Feel Love - Donna Summer
Last Dance - Donna Summer
MacArthur Park - Donna Summer [I dare you ...]
I get really ticked when ...
- Going all day without getting a single new e-mail
- People who don't return messages or phone calls
- Having my facebook "Invite Friend" requests rejected or ignored
- People who blab for hours about nothing once they've got you on the phone
- Being rushed
- People who are wishy-washy, especially about critical details
- Complacency
-Being told No!
- Finding out I've got 600 e-mails waiting to be opened
- Feeling obligated to return messages and phone calls
- People I can't stand expecting me to be their myspace "friend"
- People who act as though talking to me on the phone is a chore
- Running late
- People who are inflexible, especially when I could care less
- Overachievers
- Being told Yes!
Why is this man angry?

Man. I haven't seen a mug this angry since the last time I forgot my driver's license and tried paying with an out-of-state check in the Express Lane at Walmart on a Saturday night in south Georgia.
What on earth could possibly cause this type of unrepentent rage? Well, there's just one reason:
This fellow, who shall remain nameless, owns an Apple. Apples come in different colors and flavors but real computers, they are not.
But How Does It Taste?
Would you eat a 167-year old wedding cake?
"Pieces of Queen Victoria's wedding cake will go on display as part of an exhibition on royal weddings from 1840 to 1947 to celebrate the Queen's diamond anniversary this year, palace officials said.
"The slices will be on display for a year starting April 27 in small boxes, one cardboard, another silver, marked "Buckingham Palace February 10, 1840" - the date of Victoria's marriage to Prince Albert.
"They are from one of the couple's several wedding cakes, the largest of which measured three metres across and weighed more than 135 kilograms [297 pounds]."
Hmmm. Pretty sure I've got stuff in the back of my fridge much older than that.NFL Tackles Churches
In suburban Chicago, Poplar Creek Church plans to host about 100 people to watch Sunday's Super Bowl game on a big-screen TV in the sanctuary. Pines Baptist Church north of Miami plans to host flag football games before guests gather to eat and watch Sunday's Colts-Bears game, Pastor Luis Acosta said.
In Indianpolis, Calvary Temple Church planned a Sunday shindig for about 100 young adults, complete with snacks and a big screen TV to watch Sunday's Super Bowl.
But temple leaders scrapped the idea after learning the NFL stopped a similar get-together at another Indianapolis church, saying it would violate copyright laws.
"I didn't realize the Super Bowl was a copyrighted thing," business manager Bill Kaler said.
![]() | |
Roger Goodell and the NFL want separation of Church and Super Bowl. (AP) |
NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said these gatherings are fine, as long as the churches stay within certain guidelines. That's where Fall Creek Baptist Church in Indianapolis went wrong.
The church planned to charge admission to cover the food tab for its party and show the game on a big screen using a projector. It also promoted its "Super Bowl bash" on the church website.
Those are copyright no-no's.
Friday, February 2, 2007
A Day Off from The Blue Book
This is worth sharing and a great way to start the weekend:
"I am so SAD about the people I have met that are incredibly gifted and talented, but are in financial bondage! I KNOW that they could be able to go do exactly what they were made to do in just a few short months or years if they would just take the time to fix their finances. I KNOW that they would be doing exactly what God put them on earth to do! I KNOW that I would see them at their finest - at their most alive point in life - if they would just eliminate the financial stress and go do the very thing they were put on earth to accomplish!"
Nothing to blog about - Updated

Yes Virginia, there is a match head stuck (maybe more like welded) to my finger. At least there was a match head in my fingertip ... it fell off about 4 hours later, leaving hardly a mark.
You kids out there, Joe Is A Professional. Don't try this at home.