If I get one more myspace message, or even a personal email asking me that question, I'm gonna think seriously about deleting that person's account and purging their address forever.
Maybe this will be one of the posts I look back on later and think, "What was I thinking when I posted that?"
But right now I'm missing the Super Bowl (waiting for tonight's Playlist to burn to CD) so I'll slide this one in ... and hope nobody notices until it's buried deep within The Blue Book archives.
Here's something I'll bet ya didn't know about me: I'm not into boobs. It's true. Maybe I'm the only guy on the planet, but there it is.
So I guess that's all: now you know everything there is to know that I haven't forgotten.
Uh oh. My cell just called me on the house number, I'm not kidding. Both phones are sitting by themselves in plain view on the desk. Can anyone explain how that happened?