FF here, posting for Papa Ridgeback.
PR has not had a good day. In fact, Papa has had a bad day. As I am writing this he is stranded at the marina. This afternoon he was driving into town when he unexpectedly had some car trouble. He ended up having to get Yellow Steve (The Disco) towed. He had no way to even get to his home from where he was. The Frashelys wanted to come take him into our custody, however we were at school and could not leave. He was able to get a ride to his house and then finally got dropped off at the marina. He is now snuggly contained in Ben, listening to the wind whipping through the trees and listening to music (I imagine).
I am searching for a good moisturizer, thinking of all the wind Papa must be hearing right this very instant reminded me of this.
Certain words and phrases should be eliminated from being used. The use of "per", as in the order is "per Winnie, Regional Manager". That is sooo hinky!! I had a co-worker at the mall who used this incessantly. On another note I really like the word "splash". It's not a bad movie either.
Lindsay Lohan just bought Marilyn Monroe's old apartment. I still want one of her personal effects. They can still be found for auction from time to time. Do you think LL will experience any hauntings? Before Mariah Carey had a stint in rehab she thought she heard Marilyn Monroe's voice coming out of her baby grand piano.
Today I sent PR a Valentine on facebook. It was a little treasure troll icon, hiney first. He sent me back a groovy lava lamp Valentines.
I have been really offended because I have overheard so many comments people have made about Anna Nicole Smith. Today in MGMT 371 some kids behind me were laughing and making fun of Anna Nicole. The poor girl has not been dead 24 hours, I mean come on. That is so mean spirited. There is even a group on facebook as of today called "Now that Anna Nicole Smith is dead the average IQ has risen"-so tacky. I am sure she has made mistakes, but who hasn't? I know I have made many. She may have had her phases of looking like a marshmellow, but she was always beautiful.
I am about to go to bed.
On The Papa Playlist
SOS Rihanna Song, especially the line "cause I'm your tiny dancer"
Ain't No Other Man, Christina Aguilera