There's no TV or web access up on the hill, so Ben's radio stays tuned 24x7 to 106.9 FM Two things I've heard stuck with me.
The first is that if you kept records of the TV shows, web sites visited, books (including romance novels), spending habits (including tithing) of believers and compared them to the TV shows, books, etc. of non-believers you'd have a hard time distinguishing which group was which.
The preacher who made this point went on to include the work ethic, views on sexuality and promiscuity, the jokes believers tell and repeat ... on down to what clothes they wear ... just don't vary that much with the lifestyles of non-believers. What?
His point supports the observation of another radio preacher: the biggest problem with believers today is the failure to separating ourselves from sin, because we no longer fear God or believe we'll be disciplined ... and subjected to a harsh and sudden course correction.
Don't Take the Snap
The other preacher related that atheletes hate watching replays that highlight and point out their mistakes. Especially when the errors include missed chances at making The Big Play and fumbles resulting in a score for the opposing team.
The mistakes are up there on the big screen in plain view for all to see ... so there's no place to hide.
It's kinda hard to explain away with, "That wasn't me" or "It wasn't my fault" or "What about all the other guys on the field? They made me do it."
During slow-motion replays of fumbles, interceptions and dropped passes I've heard sports announcers chuckle, "I'll bet he wishes he had that one back."
I wonder how big the screen's gonna be on Judgement Day, and how many people will watch the replay and stammer, "Wow, I wish I had that one back" ... and suddenly realize how their fumble on the interception they threw, in the biggest game of all, allowed the enemy the go-ahead score.