I have a favorite hymn. It's so much my favorite that sometimes I think I could listen to it every day of the week.
Here's the point: Focusing on what I like overlooks and dismisses what Jesus wants.
Reading through the gospel accounts of Christ's ministry, I started wondering if upon hearing where they'd be traveling next, Jesus's disciples didn't sometimes start grumbling and protesting a little bit. (see John 11:16)
"Why do we keep going to places we've never been before?
"When we go to new places, we never know how people will react or even if we'll be welcomed once we get there. And if we keep traveling to new places all the time it's entirely possible things might start getting dangerous or even downright uncomfortable.
"Jesus look, I got an idea. Remember how we had such a good response with Lazarus in Bethany? Let's go there again, and stay in Bethany as long as we can."
But Jesus had other ideas, and knew exactly where his ministry ... and his Father ... would take him.
Not to an encore in Bethany. Not back to the village his disciples liked best. Not to the town that his disciples agreed had the best food, not to the places with the most comfortable accommodations ... and not to the populations promising the most receptive and enthusiastic audiences.