Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stop what you're doing

I don't know how you got here today ... or whether you're a regular reader, a skeptic or a first-time visitor delivered here via a web search engine. I have no way of knowing whether you describe yourself as a Christian, an atheist, an agnostic or maybe you follow an entirely different faith.

Or maybe you grew up going to church, never miss a single Sunday and feel pretty confident you've got a handle on what Salvation means and know exactly what following Christ is all about. Or it could be that you're here to mock, ridicule, criticize and find fault.

Maybe you're curious about Christianity, and wonder what makes Christianity a world apart from other faiths. The point is, you're here now ... and I don't believe in chance, fate, luck or accidents.

Just watch this message, live today at 11:15am, 4:00pm or 6pm.