Thursday, June 1, 2006

Blog On, Beavis

When I began blogging a few months back a friend who teaches medieval music theory at a university in North Carolina warned me, "Seems like a lot of work for no pay."

She's absolutely right; the time I've spent babble-blogging each morning hasn't yet brought a single penny thrown in my direction.

So why do it?

Because Notes from the Blue Book is the blog I wish I'd found, a blog that I could look forward to reading and enjoying for myself. I hope it's a place you can visit, expecting to find something funny, unusual or even spiritually challenging to add to your day.

Even if we've never met, Gentle Anonymous Reader, I appreciate the time you take from your hectic routine to drop by. Really I do, because you certainly have more worthwhile and productive things to occupy your time. I hope you leave feeling the time spent was worth the investment.

But when I describe events like slamming doors on my toes, being chased around the yard by swarms of angry wasps, or working part time as a sponge diver in Lake Hartwell please remember "literary license" isn't the same thing as lying. The goal is to simply grab your attention ... and to keep you entertained during your stay.

Here's some interesting stuff I've collected during the week:

All About Cats: Even though I've got three cats, I'm not a cat lover. Mine stay outside and work full-time jobs on pest patrol, keeping thee and me mouse and rat free. Ya gotta be a total meanie not to like cats, just saying.

-The strangest cat on record was a female called Mincho who went up a tree in Argentina and didn't come down again until she died six years later. While treed, she managed to have three litters (with equally ambitious dads).

- Scientific studies have compared and examined both a cat's brain and a dog's brain. The results established that the cat's brain is more similar to a humans than that of a dog.

- The most popular names for cats are Tiger, Max, Smokey, and Patches, but I've named my cats according to litter order, gender, and sequence of birth ... which helps explain why my cats have names like 3M5, 2F4, etc. (They know their names so don't snicker; it'd only leave them feeling inferior)

-Cats do not think that they are little people. They think that we are big cats.

-The Swahili word for cat is nyau (nee-yow).

-Sir Isaac Newton, discoverer of the principles of gravity, also invented the cat door.

Lots more kitty trivia available here:

Life Imitating Art? A lot more people got more excited about the 1999 film Fight Club than I did, so I have no idea why real-life "fight clubs" eventually appeared across the country like a bad outbreak of warts. Here's a story about a real-life fight club in Silicon Valley:

Learn to talk real good like me: the blog of a guy struggling with the universal language of WalMart ... English.

Would you want this guy's job? David Weiss works on Mac applications at MicroSoft.

A blogger in London who's currently homeless, yet managing to reach an international audience with her writings.