Saturday, June 10, 2006
Silent's Kick
It All Started With "Wait A Minute"
I'm a big fan of silent films. Not because I enjoy reading subtitles but because I enjoy watching movies. Early movie directors quickly learned that images, not dialogue or special effects, communicate emotion through visual association. It's worth mentioning that psychologists believe only about 6% of communication is verbal anyway.
Summing Up Words
"There once was a time in this business when I had the eyes of the whole world. But that wasn't good enough for them, oh no ... they had to have the ears of the whole world too. So they opened their big mouths and out came talk. Talk! TALK!" - Norma Desmond, Sunset Boulevard
-The first words heard during the first widely distributed talking picture: "Wait a minute!"
So, What's Taylorology?
Taylorolgy is the study of unsolved murder of silent film director Williams Desmond Taylor back in 1922. More on that later.