Whut Do I Know ... Anyway?
Tomorrow night the NBA PlayOffs continue with Dallas hosting Miami after defeating the Phoenix Suns and Detroit Pistons, respectively, in the conference finals.
Basketball? That's the one where the tall guys in short pants spend about 3 hours tossing a ball back and forth before somebody remembers to throw it through the net, right?
What About Landing on the Moon?
Sure we did, I have no doubt. I'm pretty sure we did. The government had big rockets, space capsules and short-wave lunar radios back then. Really.
Without Naming Names Department
Somebody I know recently discovered a gigantic ROACH in his motel room. According to one eye-witness account this unnamed person threw a shoe at the roach, which began hissing loudly and aggressively in retaliation before escaping on six uninjured legs to the bathroom. The culprit slammed the door and began emitting naueous & threatening noises by rubbing its hind legs together.
My friend cleared out, got a full refund, and checked into another motel.
Wonder what happened to the next hapless guy who wandered into The Roach's Lair? In hindsight, maybe somebody shoulda posted a warning on the door. Maybe it's something we'll be reading about in the newspapers: Roach Demands Peace After Eating Family's Dog
Secret Tool Stuff We'll Never See
I've heard rumors that somebody out there has powerful new secret prototype lawn tools. Stuff you can't even buy with a license or permit. Stuff I wish I didn't know existed, with designs clearly inspired by alien lawn and garden technology.
I want stuff like that, too. Even if I don't know what it means it just sounds really cool.
Boy I'm Mad Department
(1) People in minivans. We're driving for crying out loud, not sailing.
(2) I missed the last 10 minutes of "The Deadliest Catch" last night because the phone rang at 9:49pm. One day I'll learn to ignore the phone. No I won't. I'm always dying to find out if the caller's somebody I know.
Stuff I Think About A Lot
Wonder if I could program my VCR using HTML?
Why not? It sure worked with the microwave.