What Day Is It? Department
Folks, here's the heads-up right off the bat: Today's gonna be Attack Mac All Day Feeding Frenzy Friday.
But Why Are You Always Slamming Macs?
Just for fun. And because I hate them.
Well, I Have a Mac and I Love it
My bias against Mac is based on both personal experience and first-hand reports from friends who've wasted thousands of bucks on Macs. If you're pleased with your Mac then I am, too. Really. Now let's have some fun.
Here's the Mac Advantage:
1. You already know the Mac programs.
Mac only runs four programs, so you’re something of a Mac expert already.
2. Adding Peripherals is easier than ever.
Most popular applications for Mac and PC use the same file formats, making it simple to exchange move existing files from a PC to a Mac. Replacing OS X with Windows XP and learning to type makes the process even easier.
3. No, Macs aren’t slow.
The latest Intel Core Duo processors put Mac's previous Motorola chips to shame, no matter what our previous ads told you. And a Mac just loves that second core, since Mac OS X has been trying to catch up with Intel processors from the start. Try burning a DVD while watching a TV show on iTunes ... it just might work!
5. No, you don’t have to buy new stuff.
Your printer, camera, keyboard, and mouse will work with a Mac. PCs and Macs can usually share peripherals if they connect via USB, FireWire, or Bluetooth. But face it, since PCs already use so many perpherals there's really no reason to consider buying a Mac in the first place.
6. Yes, you can even run Windows.
Sure, it took Apple 20 years, but we finally caught on.