Sunday, February 22, 2009

And The Loser Is ...

(Sunday morning blog lite)

Me?  I think it must be, because The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will be presenting the Academy Awards tonight, including the "Oscar" for Best Picture.

Isn't that exciting?  Yawn, here's the 5 nominees:

How many have I seen?  Nada.  Not a single one ... so am I missing anything?

Nope, I don't think so.  And besides, the category that would matter most to me is Best Cinematography.  Here's the nominees in that category:

Notice they're almost identical to the nominees for Best Picture.  So what does that mean?

It means film is a visual medium and that 99.9999% of everything you see on the screen is there because of lighting (the rest is dirt, scratches, film grain and emulsion blur).  Without light, there's no need for a camera to capture the action ... and we might as well sit blinking in the dark, trying to watch the soundtrack.

Log on to the web and watch this before the Oscars:

When?  Today at 11:15 AM and 6:00 PM
What?   I Want A New Marriage - part 3
Why?     Even if you're not married, this amazing series deserves your undivided attention.